Lewisburg, TN Hwy 50 WW Pump Station REHAB

Lewisburg, TN Hwy 50 WW Pump Station REHAB

New pumps, piping, valves, precast, interior wet well lining, new fencing, and electrical.

Major Activities: Wet Well Interior Lining System

Project Specs:

Location: Lewisburg, TN

Date Completed (Estimated): 2-10-24

Contract Value:  $499,000

Owner: City of Lewisburg, TN

Engineer: Wauford

West Warren Viola WWTP Exansion and Modification

West Warren Viola WWTP Exansion and Modification

J. Cumby will be upgrading an existing wastewater treatment plant that currently treats 0.9 million gallons of wastewater per day.

Major Activities:

  • Expanding the existing facility’s control building by 2,310 sf

  • This includes an addition of (3) rooms:

-Chemical Feed – Currently in a separate building that will be demolished during this project

-Electrical & Control Room – Moving existing MCC & controls from a different area of the existing control building

-Open space

  • Renovations and additions to the facilities electrical services

  • Generator, motor control center, lighting, wiring

  • Demolition and removal of (2) existing sequencing batch reactor (SBR) systems

  • Installation of (2) new SBR systems

  • Blowers, decanters, analyzers, air supply lines, valves, connectors, pumps and instrumentation

  • Installation of new and modification of existing yard piping

  • Additional structural activities

  • New walkway canopy for the control building

  • Construction of a new structural steel canopy for the new blowers


  • Location: Morrison, TN

  • Date Completed (Estimated): December, 2023 

  • Contract Value of $3,863,859.77

  • Owner: West Warren-Viola Utility District  

  • Engineer: James C. Hailey & Company  


  • Because this is a renovation to an operating facility, one of the two SBR basins must remain in service throughout construction. Sequencing of the equipment installation will require a staggered installation for each of the basins, rather than concurrent installation typical to new construction.

Rockfish Creek WRF

Rockfish Creek WRF

J Cumby Construction, Inc., will be responsible for the removal of three mechanical bar screens and the installation of four (4) new multi-rake style mechanical bar screens in the same channels plus one in the manual bar screen channel.

There will also be Demolition of existing screening compactors and installations of two belt conveyors for screenings removal to dumpster area, removal of grit influent and effluent manually operated isolation slide gates and replacement with electrically operated slide gates, as well as the installation of new grit train distribution channel isolation slide gate (with new electric actuator).

Additionally, there will be replacement of four influent bar screen isolation electric gate operators with new Contractor furnished operators, Installation of a new electrical equipment pad north of screen channels, demolition and replacement of two sodium hypochlorite storage tanks including demolition of the masonry knock-out walls and replacement with translucent wall panels, as well as the demolition and installation of new fine bubble diffuser grids in Aerated Sludge Storage Tank No. 3.


  • Location: Fayetteville, NC

  • Date Completed (Estimated): July, 2022

  • Contract Value of $2,430,000

  • Owner: Fayetteville Public Works Commission, City of Fayetteville

  • Engineer: Hazen and Sawyer


  • This project improves the Liquids Train of Rockfish WRF

  • This project improves the Solids Train of Rockfish WRF

Jones Street Pump Station

Jones Street Pump Station

The existing Jones Street Pump Station was constructed in 1953 and conveys flow beneath the Tennessee River through a 24-inch diameter flexible joint iron pipe. Knoxville Utilities Board (KUB) has deemed the pump station is scheduled for a capital upgrade after a routine evaluation of its’ life cycle, due to its’ limited capacity and age.

In support of the upgrade, a new pump station with a depth of 47’ and associated facilities are planned for the new 1901 Jones Street site, approximately 500 feet south of the existing pump station. The project site is currently a combination of surface parking lot and storage area for natural gas tanks. The natural gas tank storage area is situated within the footprint of a former warehouse that has been razed. Remnant foundations for the warehouse remain.

As part of the project, a new 24-inch-dimeter force main will extend from the proposed pump station to the north toward the existing pump station. The force main then turns to the west and follows the river for approximately 960 feet, until turning north, crossing the Tennessee River and terminating at an existing manhole on the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) property. This project will be approximately 1,500 LF of force main that is time restricted from Jan. 1-Feb. 2.

In addition to all the aforementioned upgrades and new infrastructures, this site will also include: A New 42” Diameter Gravity Sewer, Marine Pipe crossing, approx. 200 LF of 6, 8 and 12-inch gravity sewer routing and, as well as, numerous other miscellaneous site improvements.


  • Location: Knoxville, TN

  • Date Completed (Estimated): May 2022

  • Contract Value of $13,443,000+

  • Owner: Knoxville Utilities Board

  • Engineer: Jacobs


  • A 24” Force Main tie-in on the north side of the Tennessee River will be added

  • There will be a river crossing performed Late spring/early summer due to lower flows

  • There will be an implementation of a soil nailing shoring system, due to the inconsistent nature of subgrade rock

  • A Pump Station of 47’



J. Cumby Construction has been contracted by Fayetteville Public Works Commission to install a New Equalization Tank-consisting of a 2.5M Gallon Pre-stressed Concrete Storage Tank that’s 150 feet in diameter.

Moreover, J. Cumby will also be adding Flow Control Facilities that include a 36’ deep concrete pump station with a grinder pump, sump pump, pump, wet well and dry well; as well as, a 23’ deep concrete diversion structure with slide gates, weir gates and a vertical mounted deflection screen and much more.

Additionally, there will be approximately 700 LF of new 8” portable water line to be installed down ‘George Owen Road’, to feed the new pump station and equalization tank. There will also be approximately 320 LF of new 42” PVC station influent/effluent piping and precast manholes, that will tie into the existing 42” sewer line.


  • Location: Fayetteville, NC

  • Date Completed (Estimated): April, 2022

  • Contract Value of $11,170,00+

  • Owner: Fayetteville Public Works Commission

  • Engineer: CDM Smith


  • This site is a “Green Field Construction” since a significant amount of clearing and grubbing had to be completed in order to be able to begin on the EQ Tank

  • There will be approximately 700LF of 8” portable water line installed

  • There will be approximately 320 LF of 42” PVC station influent/effluent piping and precast manholes tied into the preexisting sanitary sewer line

Gallatin- Industrial Park Pump Station

Gallatin- Industrial Park Pump Station

J. Cumby will be responsible for the construction of a Pump Station for the City of Gallatin, in order to accommodate a new corporate entity to the Gallatin area.

This pump station will reach a depth of over 40 feet. Due to the nature of this project, this job site will require heavily implemented safety measures to ensure an accident-free construction.


  • Location: Gallatin, TN

  • Date Completed (Estimated): January, 2022

  • Contract Value of $2,800,000+

  • Owner: City of Gallatin

  • Engineer: James C. Hailey & Co.


  • This job site will be handled with the utmost precautions, in fact, they are required throughout the duration of the project. These safety precautions will be put into place to ensure that no one will be harmed during the construction of the pump.

Brush Creek WWTP Aeration Blower Replacement and Electrical Upgrade

Brush Creek WWTP Aeration Blower Replacement and Electrical Upgrade

The Brush Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant is the largest of the three owned and operated facilities of Johnson City. J. Cumby’s involvement with The WWTP Aeration Blower Replacement and Electrical Upgrades Project includes blower and electrical switchgear replacement as well as several other architectural improvements to the existing Equipment Building.

The aforementioned architectural improvements include door and window replacement, wall panel replacement, replacement of the existing roof covering and a complete interior painting. Most of the previous existing equipment was installed in the early 1970s and has reached its ‘useful’ service life.

Recent improvements have included demolition of existing aeration blowers, controls and air piping out to the aeration basin connections, installation of new blowers with control system and new overhead air piping out to the aeration basin connections, installation of two new MCCs in the chlorine room and new building entry. We also upgraded the HVAC system to meet code requirements in the blower area and RAS pump room and to provide air-conditioned space for electrical equipment, while maintaining system operation with maximum system outage of 3 hours


  • Location: Johnson City, TN

  • Date Completed (Estimated): December, 2021

  • Contract Value of $5,218,423+

  • Owner: Johnson City

  • Engineer: CDM Smith


  • Brush Creek is the Largest of Three owned and operated facilities of Johnson City

10st Street Widening and Food City

10st Street Widening and Food City

J. Cumby Construction will be site grading and implementing utility infrastructure improvements for the multi-site commercial business development, located at the intersection of 10th Street and Old Kentucky Road, that features a Food City.

Furthermore, this site will require the relocation of City Utility infrastructure and a five-lane road widening project.


  • Location: Cookeville, TN

  • Date Completed (Estimated): September, 2021

  • Contract Value of $1,878,000+

  • Owner: BSM Cookeville, LLC

  • Engineer: Clinton Engineering Services, LLC


  • Multi-site commercial business development to a future Food City location.

  • Major City utility infrastructure relocation

  • Five-lane Street Widening

MBWWTP Equalization Basin and Blower Replacement Improvements Project

MBWWTP Equalization Basin and Blower Replacement Improvements Project

J Cumby Construction, Inc., will be making modifications to the existing equalization basins to include construction of a dividing wall in each existing equalization basin, which is in excess of 7 acres each, to result in four (4) new basins at the end of construction, demolition of existing process equipment and installation of new diffusers, aerators, vertical turbine pumps, blowers, water cannons with associated piping and electrical infrastructure, demolition and renovation of portions of the plan blower building and a dilution water pump station. Additionally, there will be resurfacing and repairs made to the asphalt around the equalization basins.

Furthermore, there will be approximately 10,000 cubic yards of concrete needed in order to complete the project. In Addition, the City of Chattanooga will be coordinating with J Cumby to plan out phases in which the modifications will be completed. The City of Chattanooga is needing the equalization basins to remain operational throughout the project to ensure that the WWTP can meet the system demands, as well as making sure the project can be completed on time.


  • Location: Chattanooga, TN

  • Date Completed (Estimated): August, 2023

  • Contract Value of $27,685,000+

  • Owner: City of Chattanooga

  • Engineer: Jacobs


  • Approximately 10,000 Cubic Yards of concrete will be required to complete this project

  • The Equalization basins are required to remain operational throughout the project

Fall Creek Falls WW PUMP STATION

Fall Creek Falls WW PUMP STATION

Bell and Associates Construction hired J. Cumby Construction for the rehabilitation of an existing wastewater pump station at Fall Creek Falls.

In the project, J. Cumby will be installing a new pump station access hatch, a by-pass pump around the existing pump station, new submersible pumps, new piping and a new valve vault with valves and pipes.

Additionally, J. Cumby will also be demolishing an existing sewer pump station and the existing solids storage tank, then filling it in with stone.


  • Location: Fall Creek Falls, TN

  • Date Completed (Estimated): April, 2021

  • Contract Value of $250,000+

  • Owner: State of Tennessee

  • General Contractor: Bell & Associates Construction

  • Engineer: Barge, Cauthen, & Associates


  • Pump Station with a depth of 40’



Due to recent expansion to the existing complex and the absorption of prisoners from decommissioned prisons, the wastewater treatment plant at Tennessee Department of Correction’s detention facility at Bledsoe County could no longer meet the demand of the population. J. Cumby Construction has been selected to expand and improve the wastewater processing facility, doubling the plant’s processing capacity, adding redundancy to the system, and improving the processed water distribution system.

The expansion includes the addition of an Influent equalization basin, two sequencing batch reactor tanks with pump station, a post equalization basin, effluent filters, and a ten million gallon effluent storage tank with effluent pump station. Also included in the project scope is a control building expansion to accommodate electrical and mechanical component additions and a twenty acre effluent spray distribution field.

Project Specs:

  • Location: Pikeville, TN

  • Completion Date: Anticipated - March 2021

  • $15,000,000+ Contract Value

West Kingsport Pump Station

West Kingsport Pump Station

The City of Kingsport, to address the aging conditions of their waste water processing infrastructure, has selected J. Cumby Construction to rehabilitate their existing forty year old West Kingsport wastewater pump station and install a new sixteen inch PVC force main for processing.

To allow the existing pump station to be taken out of service, the project scope required the installation of three temporary pumps capable of 2,540 gallons per minute each. with temporary service in place, J Cumby Construction is constructing a new electrical building and a new equipment vault along with equipment, thirty feet below the main floor of the existing building. Also included is the installation of a 4,800 linear foot force main both along the edge of the Holston River and within the City of Kingsport’s park and greenway path. Approximately 400 linear feet of the force main required the use of bore and jack installation


  • Location: Kingsport, TN

  • Completion Date: Anticipated February 2021

  • $5,963,000+ Contract Value

Tupelo Raw Water Supply Facilities - Contract A: Intake/Pumping

Tupelo Raw Water Supply Facilities - Contract A: Intake/Pumping

In an effort to reduce the negative environmental impact of water treatment and to provide a more reliable and higher quality water source to the region, the Northeast Mississippi Regional Water Supply District contracted J. Cumby Construction to construct a new water intake facility.

The new water intake facility is located in the Tenn-Tom waterway, which provides cleaner water which requires less chemical treatment than the Tombigbee River, where the previous intake facility is located.

This facility consists of a barricaded intake area with six large screened intakes, three 42” vacuum siphon pipes through the levee, a 6,000+ square foot pump house with chemical pre-treatment, 100,000+ gallons of water reservoirs, eight vertical turbine pumps with a combined 33,000+ gallons per minute capacity, and an elevated bridge, deck, and pipe support structure.

The new facility sits on land leased from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, across the river from Fulton, MS, and will service the needs of more than 100,000 residents of Northeast Mississippi.

Project Specs:

  • Location: Fulton, MS

  • Completion Date: February 2021

  • $16,970,000+ Contract Value

  • 2,800+ Yards of Concrete

  • 12,000+ Tons of Stone

Fall Creek Falls Bridge Replacement

Fall Creek Falls Bridge Replacement

In an effort to ensure the continued safety and quality experience for the visitors of one of Tennessee’s most popular state parks, The State of Tennessee, selected J. Cumby Construction to replace and improve two, forty years old, wooden suspension bridges, along with their associated trails.

The new Fall Creek Falls Nature Center Bridge features tower suspended cables crossing approximately 200 feet over the Cane Creek waterway and allows guests to access the Woodland and Gorge Overlook Trails that lead to the Fall Creek Falls that, at 256 feet tall, are the tallest free falling falls east of the Mississippi. The Piney Falls bridge required anchoring into the existing bridge footprint on the cliff edge and spans approximately 60 feet over the Piney Creek waterway and is part of the Lower Loop and Piney Falls Trail systems.


Location: Spencer, TN

Date Completed: January 2021

Contract Value of: $1,663,000+

Owner: State of TN, Dept. of General Services Real Estate Asset Management (STREAM) for Dept. of Environment and Conservation.

Engineer: AECOM



As part of the continued effort by the Tennessee Department of Corrections to maintain and update their aging prison facilities, J. Cumby Construction was selected to replace and upgrade the existing Sallyport for the site 2 compound of the Bledsoe county correctional facility.

Included in the scope of work were the complete demolition of the existing sallyport fencing, gates, and processing building, the installation of all new fencing and operable gates, surrounding sitework, and the construction of a new in-processing building. Challenges faced were maintaining emergency and day to day access to site at all times as well as maintaining a two-fence line minimum high security perimeter at all times through the demolition and rebuild process.

  • Customer: State of Tennessee Department of General Services for Department of Correction

  • Location: Pikeville, TN

  • Completion Date: November 2020

  • $2,200,000+ Contract Value

Adams Field Water Reclamation Facilities Parallel Treatment

Adams Field Water Reclamation Facilities Parallel Treatment

To ensure water treatment operations can continue in high volume and wet weather conditions, Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority has Contracted J. Cumby Construction to increase the peak flow treatment capacity of its Adams Field Water Reclamation Facility.

This will be accomplished in, large part, by the addition of a 92,000 gallon per minute effluent pump station, and the construction of a new 23,000 square foot filtration building featuring MegaDisk pile cloth media and ultra violet disinfection equipment.

Additionally, J. Cumby will be renovating and upgrading equipment for three 1.8 million gallon secondary clarifier tanks, a 38,000 square foot aeration basin, and several other sewage treatment process components and structures to include aeration blowers, sludge pumps, electrical building, and miscellaneous water handling structures.

All facility improvements will increase the sewage processing capacity from around 25 to 94 million gallons per day, enabling the plant to absorb the heavy additional flows from significant rain events.

Project Specs:

  • Location: Little Rock, AR

  • Completion Date: September 2020

  • $28,000,000+ Contract Value

  • 5,000+ Yards of Concrete

  • 38,000+ Tons of Sand & Stone

Fairview Waste Water Treatment Plant Additions

Fairview Waste Water Treatment Plant Additions

The Water Authority of Dickson County, to increase overall plant capacity and introduce more efficient treatment methods, has contracted J. Cumby Construction to upgrade and add to the Fairview Wastewater Treatment Plant in a two phase operation. 

Phase one consists of the construction of new anoxic and anaerobic tanks to incorporate the use of both bubble aeration equipment and rotating mixers as well as a new headworks structure and associated underground piping and vaults. Also included in phase one are an electrical building secondary anoxic and re/air basins.

Phase two of the project includes renovation to the plant’s existing oxidation structure by adding jet aeration as well as the rehabilitation of disc aeration. A new 40’ clarifier, post aeration/UV disinfection structure, and nitrified recycle pump station will be added to the plant as part of phase two as well.

In all, the improvements will increase plant processing capacity to over 2.2 million gallons per day and create a more thorough and efficient treatment process.

Project Specs:

  • Location: Fairview, TN

  • Completion Date: August 2020

  • $5,700,000+ Contract Value

  • 1,300+ Yards of Concrete

Stowers Caterpillar - Facility Expansion

Stowers Caterpillar - Facility Expansion

Stowers Caterpillar has contracted J. Cumby Construction to build an addition to their dealership, rental, and maintenance facility in Crossville, TN. J. Cumby has partnered with a local design firm to provide a complete design and build package for Stowers CAT, streamlining the process from concept to execution. This expansion will both modernize and more than double their location’s storage, service, and maintenance capacities allowing them to more effectively serve their customers for years to come.

The project includes a four-bay maintenance shop addition, standalone wash bay and equipment building structures, as well as an addition to and complete renovation of the offices, restrooms, break room, and customer showroom. Also included is a new sixty thousand square foot equipment lot and refurbishment of the road front and parking lot.


  • Location: Crossville, TN

  • Completion Date: Anticipated July 2020

  • $2,290,000+ Contract Value

Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity House

Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity House

Tech Fiji Inc. has contracted J. Cumby Construction to completely demolish and replace their aging, near seventy-year-old fraternity house.

The contracted work is to take place over the span of one academic year and will include six bedrooms, two studies, five restrooms, a chapter room, storage room, loungeroom and etc. This fraternity house will be approximately 6,135 square feet by the completion of the project.


  • Location: Cookeville, TN

  • Completion Date (Estimated): August, 2021

  • Contract Value $1,218,000+

  • Owner: Tech FIJI, Inc

  • Engineer: Jonathan Miller Architecture & Design


Fraternity House Specs:

  • 6,135 sqft

  • Complete Demo/Rebuild of the house

  • 6 Bedroom, 5 Bathroom

Tennessee Tech University- Roaden University Center

Tennessee Tech University- Roaden University Center

As one of more than a dozen concurrent projects totaling over $180,000,000, J. Cumby completed a 11,500 square feet, multi-floor, addition to the Roaden University Center building featuring interior lounges, dining space, and covered porches. Also included in the scope of work were renovations to 9,300 square feet of interior space to include the Multi-purpose room, cafeterias, and passageways.

Due to the interior renovations, utilities updates and Tennessee Technological University’s development plan, the construction was phased to limit interruption to existing facilities, and to coordinate with continued work on surrounding areas and projects.

Project Specs:

Location: Cookeville, TN

Date Completed: May 2019

Contract Value of: $6,700,000+

Owner: Tennessee of Regents

Engineer: Sparkman & Associate Architects